Im able to delete all the files in specified path older than x days but not able to pass flag value = yĬd Q:\DATARETENTION\WINDOWSBATCHSCRIPTINGįor /F “delims=, tokens=1,2,3,4” %%1 in (purge_files.csv) do call :dofunction “%%1” “%%2” “%%3” “%%4”įORFILES /P %FOLDER_PATH% /M %FILE_PATTERN% /D -%RETENTION_PERIOD% /C “cmd /c del which is configuration files which holds, file patterns, retention period, enable flag and folder paths. If you want to print all the subdirectories in the current directory forfiles /m * /c "cmd /c if echo there a way that i can delete the files with enable flag = y and xdays older using batch script and i need is folder path, file pattern, retention period and flag.? Read this: Rename File extensions in bulk List all sub-directories in a given folder Rename file extensions using forfiles command Get list of all exe’s and their last modified date forfiles /M *.exe /C "cmd /c echo c:\Windows>forfiles /M *.exe /C "cmd /c echo To search picture of different file type(jpeg, png etc), the command has to be triggered again. Similarly we can use below variables in the command – Name of the file(includes – Name of the file excluding – Relative path of the file from current – Extension of the – Size of the – Last modified date of the – Last modified time of the file delete all log files created in the last 1 month forfiles /D +30 /S /M *.log /C "cmd /c del Copy/Backup files modified after 1st Jauary 2015 forfiles /D /M * /C "cmd /c copy D:\backupFolder\" Get list of all picture files with their size forfiles /S /M *.jpg /C "cmd /c echo command searches pictures of only jpg type. Find all excel files modified 10 days back in the current folder and subfolders forfiles /D -10 /S /M *.xlsx /C "cmd /c echo the above command is used to print the complete absolute path of the file. We can use any combination of the above to select the required files. Look for files in a specific directory (option /P) Look for files in subdirectories also (option /S) RUN_COMMAND COMMAND_LINE="'c:\temp\test1.Modified date or Number of days it was last modified from (option /D) RUN_COMMAND COMMAND_LINE="'c:\program files (x86)\GlobalMapper16\global_mapper.exe' 'c:\temp\export test\blue_springs.opt'" WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE=NO Here is a sample that runs another instance of Global Mapper and loads a file: HIDE_WINDOW - specifies that any window launched by the command (like a command window) will initially be hidden.The result will only be stored if RUN_COMMAND waits for the program to complete (see WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE). The variable does not have to be created via a DEFINE_VAR command before it is used here, although it is OK if it is. CAPTURE_RESULT - specifies the name of a variable where the result of the program will be stored.If you just want the command line to run and then immediately let the script continue processing, use WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE=NO.

The default is to wait for the command to complete (i.e.

WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE - specifies whether or not the script should wait for your command line run to complete prior to continuing.The default is NO, so if you don't specify this parameter, the apostrophes in the command string will be converted to double-quote symbols. Use PRESERVE_APOSTROPHES= YES to keep the apostrophes. PRESERVE_APOSTROPHES - indicates whether or not apostrophes will be converted to double-quotes in the command string.Note to run a DOS shell command like 'mkdir', you will need to run it via cmd.exe, like COMMAND_LINE="cmd /C mkdir 'C:\temp\export test\new folder'" (note use of apostrophes for quotes). While path and filename inputs of all Actions of Automation Workshop are handled automatically, Run CMD Command Action requires the use of double quotes. ' rather than ") and they will be converted to quotes prior to running the command. If you need to use quotation marks in your command line, instead use apostrophes (i.e.
Cmd c quotes full#